Australian Shepherd Adult and Puppy Care & Training
An Aussie with a job to do is a happy Aussie.
Consider your plans for your Aussie before choosing your new Australian shepherd.
What interests you have will help determine the best possible puppy for you.
What training will you provide?
"The Structure and Movement of the Australian Shepherd in Drawings" by Victoria Mistretta Considering finding just the right Australian shepherd puppy to add to your family? Are you asking what is the meaning behind Australian Shepherd Breed Standard? A very good book to help you make an informed purchase of your new Australian Shepherd. (May be out of print.)
#3 Dog is normal and ideal. Ribs and spine may be easily felt, but not seen.
There is a waist when viewed from above. Often muscular in appearance.~ Great Spirit Dogs Are Fed High Quality Foods ~
Black Tri Australian Shepherds
Interested in feeding a natural diet? What is the BARF Diet? BARF is an acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. It’s about feeding pets responsibly and properly to maximize health, longevity and reduce allergies and vet bills. The diet is based on human grade whole foods including raw meat, finely ground bones, official and other healthy ingredients such as fruit and vegetables. To find out more see the link above.
Water by Earl Mindell, R.Ph.D. totalhealth magazine The most important nutrient you give your dog is water, so it is vital to provide access to pure, clean water at all times. Earl Mindell R.PH., PH.D.
Stainless Steel Pails
For Food 1qt and Water 2 qt
How to Housebreak a Puppy: Crate Training //
How to Stop your Puppy from Mouthing or Biting Too Much
You might try offering a Nylabone Dura Chew from Amazon or Petco, or use a tug toy or other acceptable toy, or say NO! or Ouch! loudly and walk away, or put said dog into their crate for a short time-out. If your Australian shepherd has a soft temperament, it will not take much to help them understand what is acceptable. As a last resort, if other measures fail, you can try a spray called, "Bitter Apple". Dogs do not like the taste of the "Bitter Apple" mouth spray, and that sometimes works on more strong willed dogs.
(Toys should be put up away when unsupervised)
Note: Rawhide chews should be avoided.
Rawhide chews if swallowed may cause intestinal blockages.
How to Leash train A Puppy
A Well Trained And Socialized Dog Makes For A Happy Owner
After your dog has completed their puppy vaccinations, you will want to explore opportunities to make use of a puppy training class. Visit a training facility in your area and ask about a STAR Puppy class and then perhaps Canine Good Citizenship, CGC. These classes are designed to help you socialize your new pet. Australian shepherds need a job to do and a good training class can provide you both with a positive experience. You will find these classes to be the building blocks for other enjoyable activities such as Agility, Obedience or Rally.
Canine Good Citizenship CGC is now recognized as a title by the American Kennel Club. Your pet may earn the title CGC to wear after their name. Example: Great Spirit's Call Me Maybe, CGC. Many insurance companies are recognizing the value of a well trained and socialized dog. Check with your agent to see if they reward clients with better rates who own dogs that have earned their Canine Good Citizenship, CGC
Who's In Charge Here
A lesson in becoming alpha
This article was written by Vicki DeGruy
Dog Parks~Some Thoughts To Consider First! More reports of serious injuries and death have occurred at dog parks. Due to dangerous issues of lack of pack structure, poorly managed dogs, and disease, Great Spirit does not recommend dog parks. It may be better to find a play group you can trust.
Free Leerburg Training Articles on just about every subject
Ed Fralwy of Leerburg Kennels is a dog trainer and breeder of German Shepherds. Leerburg Kennels is also one of the top German Shepherd breeding facilities in America. Topical articles written by Ed Fralwy of Leerburg
How To Housebreak Your Puppy
DVD's by Ed Fralwy of Leerburg come in a variety of topics and each one has been excellent!!!
We have watched the Leeburg DVD's as a family, discussed what was shown, and then we tried together to put the ideas shown into practice.
Below are a couple Leerburg DVD's ...
DVD Video ~ "Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months" DVD by Ed Fralwy of Leerburg
Good Reminder!
DVD Video ~ "Basic Dog Obedience" DVD by Ed Fralwy of Leerburg
Spruce Up That Back Yard ~ Creative ideas for yard enclosures by Ed Fralwy of Leerburg
Ed Fralwy, says I get a lot of emails in which people talk about problems with their dogs that occur when they are not home. My answer is that they need to keep their dog in a dog crate, a fenced yard, or a dog kennel when they are gone. If the dog is in an enclosure it cannot hurt anything.
Good Online Dog Training Classes
Looking for something that won't cost an arm and a leg? Training that can be done inside. Any good foundation (agility/rally/obedience) tricks or just something fun?
Most resources below are found on both Facebook and by Google of their name. These were recommend, I will look them over, and let you know the ones most valuable.
Fenzi Dog Sport Academy - Most liked of all training, You can get a lot out of signing up for the bronze level, where all you do is audit the class.
Jeff Gellman of Solid Gold K-9 Training out of Rhode Island. Jeff's goal was to make it so that no one needed to hire him.
Moira Hanley-Cornell - The Professional Dog on Facebook has some cool heeling/agility classes!
Do More With Your Dog - Online and on Facebook
The Collared Scholar Company - Her challenges are reported to be fun. Lot's of tips on engagement. Facebook - //
Show Dog Prep School - Lots of fun stuff here!
Bad Dog Agility - Online and on Facebook
Grooming Australian Shepherds
Bathing is usual every 1 to 4 weeks or as needed
Grooming Basics Step-By-Step
Slides showing basic grooming steps by SeaLevel Aussies.
This You Tube video does not show pants or ears, but it is very good.
You Tube -"Grooming An Australian Shepherd" Posted by Erin Keechak
This You Tube video is a bit longer, but does show pants, tail and ears grooming.
You Tube "Grooming Your Australian Shepherd" Posted by Blue Note Aussies
An Online Facebook Class is Available For The Serious Grooming Student.
Moria Hanley-Cornell has set up a Facebook Grooming 1 (Basic) Grooming 2 (Beyond Basic to Awesome)
The classes contain videos on how to make your Aussie look their best. Moria shows the "must have" tools and products. I like how Moria demonstrates how to make individual and each different Aussie look their best.
The cost is $150 for both classes. PayPal the cost to
Once you have paid for the classes send Moria Hanley-Cornell a Facebook friend request and she will add you.
After you pay the classes are yours to enjoy and re-visit as many times as you wish.
(First, check with Moria Hanley-Cornell on Facebook message that class is currently offered, and the cost remains the same $150 for both grooming classes.)
Need to Know How To Set Ears?
EARS: Goes without saying, breeders will want to select sires
and dams for correct Australian shepherd ear set. However,
if your puppy is showing signs of needing ear training here are
two possible solutions shown below.
"Lincoln" has his tops down to cool his head!!!
"Taping" and Training Your Puppy's Ears
Might your puppy be best served by taping ears. Speak to your breeder. This You Tube video may help you get started.
You Tube - "Setting Your Australian Shepherd's Ears" Posted by kingsferryaussies
"Glue Method" of Training Your Puppy's Ears
Might your puppy be best served by gluing ears. Speak to your breeder.
Shut-Eye Cement is made for use on animals. A small amount is used, and the ears are set in place for a puppy who is teething. After the age of teething the ears are considered "set" in place and most likely will not change.
Shown below are some of our favorite collection of grooming products and tools.
Pantene Ice Shine Shampoo and Conditioner from Walmart are both good choices for keeping your Australian Shepherd clean. We also especially, like using Quadruped Yucca Shampoo 16 oz and Christensen Pro-Line Pro-Gro Conditioner 16 oz, both products are available online. For occasional use on the white parts of our dog's coat, we like to use an enzymatic shampoo, "Crystal White". A regular hand held dryer works well or shown in the photo is Chris Christensen - Kool Dry Dog Dryer, Variable Speed, Very Quiet and comes in many colors: For the show home, Kool Dry is nice to own, especially if you are washing and drying more than one or two dogs... For how often to bathe a dog, it just depends on the season, ie. mud or show dog season, changes how often we bathe our dogs. Grooming at home is easier to maintain if done more frequently and again varies with seasons. (See "How To" You Tube grooming videos above.) Shampoos can be completed as often as once a week to up to every four weeks.
Quadruped Shampoo & Christensen Pro-Line Pro-Gro Conditioner
are favorites. They are both extra nice and gentle
on coat leaving your dog looking and smelling their best.
16oz Quadruped Yucca Tearless Shampoo 16 oz $12.70 / Gallon $40.50
16 oz Christensen Pro-Line Pro-grow Conditioner 16 oz $20 / Gallon $89.00
P.S.I. HEAVY DUTY COAT RAKE product #808 $20.00 3 C's
CLEANER and YOUR DOG Comfortable
and looking their best. Coat Rake: Available at 3 C's
Chris Christensen Long Pin Slicker Brush, Large Coral Amazon $69.95
After using the heavy duty coat rake (above) this pin slicker comb removes the left over undercoat to leave a coat that is fresh and shiny. (A bit pricey, but so very nice to own.)
Care of Teeth - Regular Teeth Brushing Can Be Completed At Bath Time.
Breed standard calls for a full compliment of "strong, white teeth".
Poultry Flavor toothpaste is a favorite! Just as with us, canine digestion begins in the mouth. Regular care of the teeth promotes good health, and goes along with bathing and grooming routines.
Many choose a dental scalar to keep the teeth tater free and "strong and white". There are many types of dental scalars available online at Amazon.
Another method for keeping "strong, white teeth" is to add raw turkey necks, chewy heart and lung meat to the diet. Raw hard knuckle bones can fracture teeth and caution is advised. Cooked bones are not recommended.
Good To know ~ Medical Information
Australian Shepherds are sensitive to certain drugs.
VACINATIONS ~ Dr. Jean Dodds
Minimal Vaccination Protocol - Give your pet health and a long life.
Do consider not over vaccinating your pet.
Australian Shepherd Drug Reactions ~MDR1
Australian shepherds may have life threatening reactions to certain drugs and routine medications. Know which drugs to avoid and have a plan to protect your pet. It is good to know your dog's MDR1 status score and remind your veterinarian at each visit if medications or vaccinations are suggested. Buster alert links: and
"Rabies" is a harsh vaccination and it may be best if given separately from other procedures or vaccinations by one month. Your dog may require a Benadryl Tablet before having the the Rabies vaccination...especially if they are MDR1 M1/M1 (mutant.mutant) Best to ask your veterinarian before having the rabies vaccination if a Benadryl tablet is recommended. A rabies 3 year shot can be given in many states in the United States following the one year shot, only if you have your paper record proof of a "prior one year" rabies shot.
Keep your paperwork from the one year rabies to show eligibility for the 3 year rabies. Your Pup Binder is a good place to store vet paperwork.
A Titer Test from your veterinarian for immunity to rabies, may be all that is required, in place of the repeated rabies vaccination.
Ask your veterinarian if a Benadryl Tablet would be helpful before the rabies vaccination.
Benedryl is available at most drug stores.
Your Veterinarian can advise you on dose amounts.
(Our dogs have enjoyed a sugary and icy cut-up Popsicle after their rabies shot.)
Worming Medicine Panacure C is best or Nemix Tabs has been recognized as safe for Australian shepherds. As always check with your veterinarian.
Panacur C - (fenbendazole) We have used a twice yearly worming schedule for our adults. A "float test" at your veterinarian can determine if worming is necessary.
For our adults we may choose every 6 month, or as needed. A current weight is used to determine the package dose. Panicur C 4 gram granular packet treats 40lbs (2 gram treats 20lbs, 1 gram pk for puppies 10 lbs) Panacur C is a broad spectrum Canine dewormer and has been considered safe by many for Australian shepherds. Panacur C is for the treatment and control of Roundworms, Hookworms, Whip-worms, and Tapeworms. Safe for use in puppies 6 weeks or older and adult dogs, including pregnant bitches. Package directions state Panacur C granule packets are mixed into a teaspoon of cottage cheese or yogurt once daily, per 3 days in a row.
Nemix Tabs for large dogs each tablet treats 50lbs Nemix is another worming product that is considered safe for Australian shepherds. Treats the removal of roundworms and hookworms in dogs, and considered safe for Australian shepherds. Tablet may be given easily inside a piece of string cheese.
Neutering or Spaying Your Companion Pet
The Question Of Neutering and at What Age: Currently, many believe neutering or spaying should take place after maturity of the growth plates. Great Spirit Aussies does not support early neutering or spaying for future health reasons. Our own dogs are neutered or spayed after one year of age. They need the intact hormones for proper growth and development. Fot this reason it is our preference that neutering or spaying occur after 8 mos, and hopefully, closer to one year.
Cost of Owning a Dog ~
It is wise advice to purchase a "well made puppy" from a breeder who has completed health checks on the parents of your puppy; and whose reason for breeding is to gain something to keep for themselves from the litter, and who will stand by their dog with a return clause written into the contract.
Since there are many ways and products available for canine care, we have shown you only one way, ours! If you have additional favorites that might be included on this page...please email me at